Last Updated on May 8, 2024 15:50

The MJournal project was born from a need to replace a program I once used quite a lot, but sometime back in 2019 the developer of that program, RoboJournal, stopped development/maintenance of that program. I’d been using it for many years. Rather than keeping an old version of a Linux desktop around for just one program, even as a VM, I decided since I was learning Python and an API to write event driven programming I’d write a program that behaved much like the one I’d been using to replace it with. Thus, MJounal was born.

I personally journal a lot. Both for projects I’m working on and my day to day personal stuff. Its therapeudic. And, it helps me keep track of things, event and other life what-nots. Its kind of like talking to myself without actually doing that and have someone believe I’m touched. Though I have heard it said by some that they do just that in order to hear an intelligent man speak.

On the following pages for this project I’ll attempt to layout everything about the program in a mostly 1000 foot view and in some cases close up and personal so that things can be clear. Sort of like a road map at first and then finer detail for certain areas of the program that I believe require a certain amount of detail.